The Kringle cat family prepares for Christmas and the arrival of Santa, as well as his counterpart for vengeance, Krampus. This begins the story of the two brothers that began the season of giving and the season of repentance.
In remembrance of the year past, be thankful that you’re here and able to read this. Don’t regret what you don’t have, lost or never obtained, but be thankful for what you have and that there’s an adventure waiting for you next year.
The origin of the original poem is a bit fuzzy and versions have changed, but, as we all well know, death is guaranteed, so we should prepare ourselves and those around us for the imminent danger that is death. Our entire lives are based on the struggle to live and to avoid the end of life. Fight or flight. Even from birth, we struggle for our first breath. Fighting for that essential gas known as oxygen. In opposition, when we die, we struggle for that last breath.
Yes, this poem seems silly and a little graphic. Something out of a Tim Burton movie maybe, but this goes to show that we should have fun while we’re alive and remember those we’ve lost because, eventually, we’re next.
To give some credit to a version of this poem that has been turned into many different songs, check out this video and please listen while you enjoy the last issue of our Dia De Muertos 2021 special.
Life doesn’t always work out how you planned it, but you can still choose to be happy and thankful. Don’t let your plans and goals define success for you. Try to love what you have, disregard what you don’t have, and forget what you’ve lost.
This is the final installment of this year’s Halloween Special. We hope it’s the most frightening and horrible Halloween for you yet. Please begin preparations for next Halloween beginning November 1, 2021. That is all.